“As a fellow Palestinian Christian in Australia, I feel that our voice needs to be more United. We face significant challenges internally and externally to our mere presence and I feel your organization does an amazing job at making our voices heard””

 Michael, Melbourne Australia.

“As a fellow Palestinian Christian in Australia, I feel that our voice needs to be more United. We face significant challenges internally and externally to our mere presence and I feel your organization does an amazing job at making our voices heard”

Michael, Melbourne Australia

If you are a Palestinian Christians living in Australia you can sign-up as a voting member. If not, please join as an affiliate member.

Membership is available to individuals who support PCiA objectives:

Solidarity: Strengthen our connection with Palestine and Palestinians in the diaspora.

Truth telling: Share our Palestinian Narrative to the wider Australian public.

Advocacy: Speak with one voice and advocate for Palestine.

If you prefer to do a bank transfer here are our bank details:

Account name: Palestinian Christians in Australia

BSB # 082356

ACC # 766945606


Truth Telling
