Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage – Canberra
4th of May 2024

“I want you to look in the mirror and ask, where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide?”
– Rev Dr Munther Issac
This lent (covering both western and eastern calendars), a global movement is walking in prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza, calling for a ceasefire.
The pilgrimages spanning 173 cities in 19 countries, have been organised by Christian groups and leaders in response to the calls of Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land and the diaspora asking for support from fellow Christians across the world.
The pilgrimage symbolically mirrors the walk from Gaza city to Rafah which Palestinians have been forced to take because of Israel’s military assaults and forced evacuations.

The Canberra GCP walk will begin at Mt Ainsley at 4am and will finish at 4pm with Joint prayers on Federation Mall in front of Parliament House.
The walk will take between 12 hours with designated stops for pilgrim walkers to join:
LEG 1: Mt Ainsley to Canberra Mosque
LEG 2: Canberra Mosque to the Australian Center Christianity and Culture (ACCC)
LEG 3: ACCC to Regatta Point lookout
Leg 4: Regatta Point lookout to Old Parliament House
Leg 5: Old Parliament house to 2x laps of Parliament House and finish on Federation Mall
Ask yourself, ‘What would Jesus want’?
Register your details and accept the terms and conditions to receive the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Toolkit. The intention of the walk is to immerse ourselves in prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza. Come, walk with us.